
In this particular Tasting Box we have chosen for you Vernaccia and Passito wines: Vernaccia di Oristano is one of the most prized products of Sardinia. Produced by the Cantina Contini, it is the first denomination of controlled origin in Sardinia and winner of the Gambero Rosso Three Glasses Award in Central and Southern Italy. Kentàlesis a meditation wine classified as Sardinia Moscato Passito DOC. It is produced by the Cantina Chessa in Usini, in the province of Sassari. These two splendid products are perfect at the end of a meal while enjoying the delicious Janas biscuits.


  • Kentales 50 cl
  • Vernaccia di Oristano 75 cl
  • Typical Sardinian Sweets Tray 300 g
  • Assorted Artisan Biscuits 300 g