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Crispy sheets of toasted bread seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and salt, baked in a wood-fired oven according to the ancient Sardinian recipe. Born as a variant of carasau bread, it has become over the years one of the characteristic products of Sardinia. Perfect for accompanying cured meats and cheeses or simply enjoyed on its own, it is one of the healthiest snacks and loved by young and old alike.


Durum wheat semolina, water, brewer's yeast, extra virgin olive oil, salt.



Pane guttiau, which means “dripped bread”, is the tasty and delicious version of the classic carasau bread. Seasoned with only extra virgin olive oil and sea salt, it contains all the healthy but tasty flavour of days gone by. It is made according to the traditional recipe in several stages: from the leavening process lasting over 12 hours to the use of linen and cotton cloth, it is characterised by its incredible crunchiness. This carasau guttiau bread is a tasty alternative to the classic industrial snacks. Perfect with a good glass of red wine or crunched together with cheese and salami, it is one of the products that characterise Sardinian gastronomic culture.

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